– あなたのことを教えてくれますか?
僕の名前はピオトル ヴェグジンスキといいます。私はアートクコレクティブ SUKA OFF の創始者です。1995年のタデウシュ カントールの芸術学校の学生だった頃に始めました。アート教育の修士課程を取りましたがその仕事にはつきませんでした。たまにボディーアートとビデオアートの講義を行いますが。ここ数年 SUKA OFFの 美学を継承するがよりポルノグラフィーのビデオや写真に焦点をあてた INSIDE FLESH というプロジェクトも務めています。
– Can you tell me about yourself?
My name is Piotr Wegrzynski. I am the founder of the art collective SUKA OFF. I started it in 1995 when I was a student at the Tadeusz Kantor art school in Dabrowa Gornicza. I made my master degree in art education, but I’m not working in my profession. Sometimes I give lectures and workshops on body art and video art. For the last few years I have been also working on the INSIDE FLESH project, which continues the aesthetics of SUKA OFF, but is focused on pornographic video and photography.
My sense of aesthetics has been shaped by the time I spent in high school as well as the neighborhood I grew up in – back then it was a collapsing industrial zone. Everything around was falling apart and it was ugly, and people were aggressive. Today there is not one active coal mine or steel works there, and I moved to a different city. I mention this because it is very important and a recurrent theme in my work.
I consider myself a performance artist (although what I do is closer to theater) and video artist (though my work is much closer to film). It is difficult to describe in words what I’m doing because I’m not a writer. If you want to find out more about what I’m doing, just visit these websites:

– SUKA OFF とは何の略ですか?
– Whats Suka off stands for SUKA OFF?
Before other things – for multidisciplinarity. I feel equally comfortable creating stage performance, video and music. In a sense, I am self-sufficient. Of course, that involves some compromises. I can’t speed up the process of creating video, audio, new costumes and set pieces, because I can’t make all the things at once. I’m coming up with new ideas at the same time as I am working on the previous projects.
– デュオで始めた理由を教えて下さい。
SUKA OFF は男女のデュオです。1995年、最初のチームは私と私のガールフレンドでした。私はそれがステージ、ボディ、生理学、セクシャリティの上で、完璧な組み合わせ(体制)だと思います。全ての観客は彼ら自身の性をその中に見いだすことが出来ます。なぜなら私たちは社会の関係性から脱却を試みているから。もちろんしばらく経った後、つねに繰り返しの問題が起こる。なぜなら、私は同じ公式の関係性に閉じ込められているからだ。だから、私たちは出来る限り他のアーティストとコラボレーションをこころみている。
– Why you are started as duo?
SUKA OFF has always been a male-female duo. In the first team back in 1995 it was also me and my girlfriend at that time. I think it’s a perfect system in the context of the stage, body, physiology and sexuality. All viewers can identify with their own gender, because we are trying to break away from the socially engaged topics. Of course after some time, there is always the problem of repetition, because I’m locked in the same formal relationship. So as often as we can we collaborate with other artists.
How was Japan trip so far?
Fantastic. Japan is not the world of the future as many Europeans imagine it to be. It is the present. Europe is living in the past. Here, too much time is wasted on pointless activity. It is difficult to isolate, to think only about your own project, because you constantly come across annoying people’s behavior, wasting of time and resources. In Japan, I felt more calm and focused on the street than I do at home in Poland, sitting in front of my computer.

WHITE ROOM photo by Rebecca Litchfield
– To make art porn and to come across fashion?
Pornography is associated rather with undressing. Taking off clothes. If there is any “fashion” it’s very stereotypical: sexy lingerie or elegant evening clothes. When I think fashion, I mean costume, second skin. In this sense, it can excite, it can be part of the foreplay, it may carry some information. Clothes can also enhance the visual side of art porn, but it must be consistent with the artistic vision of the film. I do not want clothes just as a gadget, like a vibrator.
For me the contemporary fashion is lacking a strong connection with sexuality. What I find is usually very cliché. In the videos/photos in which there are naked models the focus is either on the body, or on the clothing. There is no connection. The editing tries to add to it some strangeness, which is wrongly associated with the avant-garde. That is why some of the fashion movies made the designers nowadays remind me of puppet theater. Dancing mannequins with rotating caleidoscopes in the background.
It’s like the big-budget porn movies based on Hollywood blockbusters. No matter how much work and special effects are put in the movie, in the sex scenes the whole artistic concept is forgotten and you get the same cheap sex scene like in any other porn movie.The whole idea worth a few million dollars is only an expensive packaging.

MAJESTY BLACK fashion collaborartion