

その第一段として先日 TOGA ARCHIVES (トーガ・アーカイブス) のお店を使ってローンチされ、話題になった英国雑誌『MOTHER (マザー)』のイギリス人編集長 Kate Friend (ケイト・フレンド) に特別にインタビューを行った。現代アーティストの花代が撮り下ろしたカバーも話題の一つたが、アーティストや写真家などファッション雑誌の枠を超えたイメージやエディトリアルを徹底してコンセプチュアルに発表し続けている。フォトグラファーでもある彼女のそのビジョンとクリエーティブさを追求していけたらと思う。



20141007kf_self_portrait– あなたのことについて教えてくれる?



– Can you tell me about yourself?

I was born in England. I don’t really have a base – I’ve been living in different places around the world since I left school. Geographical commitment doesn’t seem necessary these days. I’ve been working as a freelance photographer for 6 years, most recently in London, Bali and occasionally NYC. I published the first printed edition of MOTHER in winter 2012.[clear][2c]


– 『MOTHER』って何を表してるの?



– Whats Mother stands for?

Authority. The root, the foundation, the beginning. It’s a word that people understand all over the world. Everyone has a strong reaction to the word, whether positive or negative. That’s the effect I intended to create with the magazine.



– 何で「アングロジャパニーズ」というテーマで雑誌をはじめましたか?



– Why are you started magazine as anglo japanese.

I was interested in highlighting rare aesthetics from Japan. Now, MOTHER has developed into something more – it has a signature aesthetic. I commission based on whether the work will complement or challenge that aesthetic in some way. The intention is to prioritise new ideas, approaches and techniques.




– 日本はあなたにとってなんですか?



– What is Japan for you?

Japan is both familiar and very strange to me. There’s elements of Japanese behaviour that feel similar to English culture, so in that sense sometimes I feel very at home there. But then there’s so many things about Japan that are new to me. Japan is like nowhere else on earth. The history, culture and etiquette is really layered and intricate. Each visit I learn a lot. When I’m in Japan my priorities are mostly friends and food.[clear][2c]



– 雑誌はアートとファッションと写真にとても焦点をあてているようにみえるけど。その三つの関係性はどう思いますか?



– The magazine is pretty much focused on Art, Fashion and Photography but how you think relationship between photography, fashion and art.

I don’t dwell on it. What matters is whether the work is any good. It doesn’t matter if it’s art, fashion or photography.




– 将来のプランを教えてください。



– Whats your plan in future?

For MOTHER, we are working on Vol. IV now. We have produced 3 issues of MOTHER in 18 months, each one stronger than the last. It has been a really busy couple of years, and for me a huge learning curve. At this stage it’s about stabilising, surviving and then expanding. We’re beginning to branch out into more events and collaborations. New opportunities land every day, so it’s an exciting time. For me, I’m working on a couple of gallery projects that should complete by the end of the year. My plan is simply to grow and continue.



– 日本のファンに対してコメントはありますか?

いつも応援ありがとうございます。原宿の TOGA ARCHIVES でのローンチ後、とても前向きなフィードバックをたくさんいただきました。『MOTHER』を好きで集めてくれる人たちのことを知るととても幸せです。秋ごろにまた東京で他のイベントを計画しています。是非きてください。


– Any comment for Japanese fans.

Thanks always for the support !! After our launch in Tokyo at TOGA ARCHIVES in Harajuku we have had so much positive feedback from Japan. I’m happy to hear from people who love and collect MOTHER. We are planning to hold another event in Tokyo this autumn, come !